Ironman Angolano

Ironman did not arrive until 2012, in South Africa, and, needless to say, that was a completely different animal. I was, once again, bitten by the triathlon bug, however this time it was the Ironman distance bug. Every triathlete who completes the 226Kms of Ironman feels the same feeling of satisfaction and achievement, no matter how long the competition lasts.

Over the past few years I have learned that both on a sporting and professional level, we reap the fruits we sow. Today my goals are different from those I had back in 2010, and the dream is to qualify for Kona, the Ironman World Championships in Hawaii, and represent Angola. Passion, dedication, perseverance and work ethic have brought me here since day one, and I trust my day in Kona will arrive!

  • CLIENT Ironma Angolano
  • YEAR 2017
  • WE DID Design Mockups, SEO, Branding
  • PARTNERS Ironman Angolano
  • TAGS