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Who Says You Can’t Learn Anything From Political Ads?

Here’s a Sneak Peek

As the election results in India are out, this brings us to an interesting topic: Political ads. 

Surely, many have come across this term, but when integrating it with other types of advertising, we want something else in our general ads. 

But what if we tell you it is possible? 

The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) spent over rs 37 crore for running their ad campaign this year. This means, the bulkier the budget structure, the more effective political campaigns would be. 

All in all, such ads have always been instrumental in any election held in this country with candidates seeking to clinch seats. We saw this shift since 2020 and up to 2024 and beyond, there have been certain changes that have affected the market in terms of technology, voters, and even policies. This blog guide unveils the approaches, media, and methods defining political advertising or election campaigns in 2024.

1. Understanding the Digital Surface

Social Media Dominance

Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, and newer entrants like Truth Social have become a must-have for reaching voters. In 2024, these platforms offer targeting tools, allowing campaigns to tailor messages to specific demographics, interests, and behaviours.

The Evolving Role of Influencers

With their vast and engaged followings, influencers have become powerful allies in political campaigns. Collaborating with social media influencers who align with a campaign’s values can add to messages and reach a broader audience, particularly younger voters.

Reels is the Supreme Leader

With the popularity of platforms like YouTube and TikTok, such content has become a component of political advertising. Short, engaging reels/videos that succinctly convey key messages can capture voters' attention better than traditional text or image-based ads.

2. A Catchy Message Always Works

Authenticity + Transparency

Voters in 2024 are more sceptical and informed than ever. Authenticity and transparency are key factors for building trust. Candidates need to communicate their values, policies, and intentions clearly and honestly, avoiding misleading or exaggerated claims.

Emotional Appeal

Ads that resonate on an emotional level—whether through hope, fear, anger, or inspiration—can be more impactful than those that rely solely on facts and figures.

Addressing Key Issues

Understanding the issues that matter most to voters and addressing them directly in advertising is essential. Whether it’s healthcare, climate change, economic inequality, or social justice, aligning a campaign’s point of view with voters' ideology can drive much more engagement and support.

3. Data and Analytics


In the years just passed, data analytics has brought about a change in political advertising, more specifically political campaigns. Micro-targeting helps campaigns tailor a message to specific voter groups depending on their past speeches, social media activity and basic details like age, gender etc. It makes the ads more efficient and suitable to the audience since the group of people that are targeted can be determined to a high level of accuracy.

A/B Testing

A/B testing involves running multiple versions of an ad to see which performs better. This method helps refine messages, visuals, and call-to-actions, making sure the most effective ads are used in the broader campaign.

Real-Time Adjustments

With analytics tools, campaigns can go through the performance of their ads in real-time and make adjustments accordingly. This agility allows for swift responses to changing voter sentiments or external events.

4. Regulations and Ethics

Ad Transparency and Disclosure

Regulatory bodies have tightened rules around political advertising to prevent fake news and allow transparency. Campaigns must adhere to disclosure requirements, clearly indicating who paid for an ad and any affiliations.

Avoiding Misinformation

The dissemination of misinformation is a concern. Ethical campaigns should fact-check all claims, avoid sensationalist or false information, and strive to provide accurate and reliable content to voters.

Data Privacy

Respecting voter privacy and data security is paramount. Campaigns must comply with data protection regulations, such as GDPR and CCPA, ensuring that voter data is collected, stored, and used ethically and securely.

5. Integrating Traditional and Digital Strategies

Multi-Channel Approach

While digital platforms are critical, traditional media—TV, radio, print—still play a significant role, especially in reaching older demographics. A multi-channel approach that integrates both traditional and digital strategies can maximize reach and impact.

Consistent Branding

Consistency in messaging and branding across all platforms is essential for building a cohesive and recognizable campaign. From social media posts to TV commercials, maintaining a unified message reinforces the candidate's identity and key points.

Grassroots Mobilization

Combining digital advertising with grassroots efforts, such as door-to-door canvassing and community events, can strengthen voter connections. Digital tools can organize and mobilize volunteers, track voter engagement, and coordinate ground activities effectively.

6. Further Future Trends

AI and Machine Learning

AI and machine learning are transforming political advertising by optimizing targeting, personalizing content, and predicting voter behaviour. These technologies can enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of campaigns, providing deeper insights and better outcomes.

Virtual and Augmented Reality

Innovations in VR and AR offer new ways to engage voters. Virtual town halls, 3D campaign ads, and augmented reality experiences can provide immersive interactions, making political messages more engaging and memorable.

Blockchain for Ad Transparency

Blockchain technology can enhance transparency and trust in political advertising by providing immutable records of ad transactions. This can help combat fraud and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.

Case Study: The 2024 Indian General Election Campaign

In the 2024 Indian General Election, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) once again put its feet over the art of political advertising, taking its digital strategy to connect with voters across the country to new heights. This case study examines the key elements of their campaign and highlights the approaches that contributed to their wins.

Strategy and Execution

1. Social Media Engagement

The BJP's social media strategy was heterogeneous, targeting diverse voter demographics with niche-based content across platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and WhatsApp. 

They employed:

  • Local-Centric Content: BJP created content in multiple languages to resonate with regional audiences, addressing local issues and showcasing regional leaders.

  • Influencer Partnerships: The party collaborated with the highest-paid influencers and celebrities to spread their message, especially among younger voters.

  • Interactive Campaigns: Interactive posts, polls, and live Q&A sessions with leaders, including Prime Minister Narendra Modi, engaged voters directly and gave a sense of community feeling.

2. Video Content and Storytelling

Recognizing the power of video, BJP produced high-quality content that was widely shared on platforms like YouTube and TikTok:

  • Emotional Narratives: Campaign videos often focused on personal stories of individuals whose lives had improved under BJP policies, creating an emotional connection with voters.

  • Sense of humour: If you’ve watched BJP’s 2024 campaign “Modi ki Guarantee” in which a set of short videos are posted in line. One of those videos that triggered a lot of views is the conversation between the bride and the groom (Rahul Gandhi, Congress leader) with his family (set of other party leaders). 

  • Policy Explainers: Short, animated videos explain complex policies and achievements in simple terms, making them accessible and understandable to a broader audience.

  • Live Streaming Events: Major rallies and events were live-streamed, allowing supporters to participate virtually and share the experience with their networks.


3. Data-Driven Targeting

The BJP's use of data analytics was a cornerstone of their campaign:

  • Micro-Targeting: Using voter data, the campaign delivered personalized messages to different voter segments, ensuring relevance and increasing engagement.

  • A/B Testing: Different versions of ads were tested to determine the most effective messages, visuals, and call-to-actions.

  • Real-Time Adjustments: Analytics tools rendered real-time feedback on ad performance, allowing the campaign to make swift adjustments and optimize its strategy continuously.


4. Traditional Media Integration

Despite their digital focus, the BJP did not neglect traditional media:

  • Television and Radio Ads: High-impact TV and radio ads were used to reach older demographics and rural voters less active on digital platforms.

  • Print Media: Newspaper ads and pamphlets in various regional languages reinforced the party's messages and reached areas with limited digital penetration.


5. Ethical Considerations and Compliance

The BJP's campaign also paid attention to ethical considerations and regulatory compliance:

  • Transparency: All ads indicated sponsorship, and efforts were made to avoid misinformation, focusing on verifiable achievements and policy plans.

  • Data Privacy: The campaign adhered to data protection regulations, ensuring voter data was handled responsibly and securely.


Results and Impact

The BJP's diverse approach made a lot of footprints:

  • Higher Engagement: The campaign gets high levels of engagement across digital platforms, with millions of interactions on social media posts and videos.

  • Reach Growth: By integrating traditional and digital media, the BJP was able to reach a diverse and widespread audience.

  • Electoral Success: The comprehensive advertising strategy played an important role in welcoming a strong electoral performance, reinforcing the BJP's position as a dominant political force in India.

Don’t Underestimate the Power of…

…Political advertising. They are now a diverse yet complex field, requiring a blend of traditional ideas and modern strategies that can all be implemented to target and engage voters. We not only look forward to more involvement of AI and other advanced technologies but also to gaining a major role model for handling your brand identity in general and how to make the most out of it strategically.

For more insights, follow Brown Men Marketing on Instagram, Linkedin, and Meta

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